Monday, November 9, 2015

Laundry Day

Lately it feels like I’m carrying a big load of laundry from the dryer to my bedroom without a basket. Little things keep slipping out from the bottom and if I try to pick something up I lose five more things.

In the last week I have managed to lose my car, my dog, and my peace of mind. And my relationship is dangling on the edge of my pile of responsibilities.

So far being an adult has just been one load of laundry after another.

On Thursday I got a (rude) letter from my landlord threatening to evict me if I don’t get rid of my dog within 7 days. Apparently, not only are there ridiculous breed restrictions at this rental company, but dogs aren’t even allowed to VISIT unless the company gives consent.

On Friday I attempted to drive to my parents’ house to get supplies for a backpacking trip and to drop Olive off for a couple weeks. In between two distant exits on I-95, my car completely gave up. Olive and I waited in the dark for my parents to pick us up. The next morning I scoured the internet for a reliable car repair place. In the end, the repairs were going to cost more than the car is worth and we left it at the repair shop to be junked.

So I spent Saturday and Sunday being harassed by car salesmen. One offered me a 30% interest rate and then asked me how he could make it a better deal. Another saw me looking at a used car and tried to convince me to buy a brand new car almost 10,000 dollars over my budget instead.

Monday I looked for a psychiatrist to see if Olive can qualify as my Emotional Support Animal. I hate doctors and looking for one online was almost as uncomfortable as sitting in a Lysol-coated waiting room.

Tuesday I looked for lawyers because I thought maybe my rental company would still have the right to evict Olive, even if I could prove that I need her for emotional support. Lawyers’ websites are as annoying as car dealership websites.

I’m writing this on Wednesday. Tomorrow I leave for a backpacking trip and I haven't packed at all. I don’t even have a backpack to pack yet. I watched 5 episodes of How I Met Your Mother when I got home from work and I’ve probably watched 15 more since Thursday.

But then I got a text from my sister:


How could something so tiny make all of my problems seem so small?