I'm not sure how to start this so I'm just going to jump straight into my argument. If you are a Christian reading this: why would you want to take away your own God-given rights? Even the founding fathers made it very clear that we were endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. Of course they failed to mention hot topics of the future that they could not have predicted but that's not the point. The Constitution is vague for a reason, because it can all be narrowed down to the fact that we as people are given free will to decide our own fates and the government should not take away our rights to choose our paths. According to social contract theory the government does take away some of our rights in order to function and help us to prosper, but not our basic civil rights, and certainly not without our permission.
So you don't understand homosexuality, so you think abortion is immoral: what gives you the right to say no one should be able to have the choice to decide what they want to do with their own life and body? For the sake of argument let's say these things are sinful. Let's say Jesus himself took an elevator down from heaven to specifically tell us not to smoke marijuana for example. Okay now it's officially a sin for a Christian to partake in smoking marijuana. This changes nothing legally. If the Christian bible didn't make such a big stink about free will and salvation through faith maybe I'd understand, but it does. The entire basis of the Christian faith is free will. If we didn't have free will, none of us would do anything wrong anyway because we wouldn't be allowed to. By supporting laws that step on the toes of our free will we are in a way being anti-Christian.
Taking away someone's choice to do something is not a Christian value, it's a narrow-minded and tyrannical idea. I would never advocate supporting something that your heart does not agree with and therefore I would never dream of saying that it is wrong to have an opinion that is unlikeable or controversial. It doesn't make a person evil to be on any side of any issue. My argument is purely that attempting to control another person's life is not a Christian ideal.
We are not held to standards under the Hebrew laws as Christians because we receive salvation through faith and love. Laws do not save people, love does. I know it sounds corny but it's true. You don't listen to your parents because they make rules for you, you listen to them because you love and respect them enough to do so. Unless you have parents who give you zero freedom and therefore take away your free will, this is the case. We don't call God "the father" for nothing. We were given the freedom to make our own choices and we decide based on our consciences (as Paul would argue, this is the law inside of us) and on the teachings of our parents and the people around us.
If you believe in an issue with your heart I hope you continue to support it. All people have the right to be opinionated, and some people might say that's the best thing you can be. Go debate with people, go convince them, go be an example, go use your intelligence, go help someone, but whatever you do, don't try to take away their free will. It hurts me to see the way Christians are portrayed these days but what hurts me the most is that they bring it upon themselves. No one wants to join a group that won't accept their opinions or be open to new ways of life. Our duty as Christians is to spread the love and good news isn't it? Why are we making our jobs harder by being the fascists of the new age? The saddest part is that all of this goes against the very core of Christian ideals. Free will and love: these are our greatest gifts and our best tools; don't fight against them.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
What's wrong with the world
What’s wrong with the world is that I don’t get chills. I
get chills when I read J.D. Salinger. You know what else? I want to write when
I read him too. I know it’s a cliché but I swear this time I’m serious. I swear
he’s my spirit animal. It’s like he knew me before I knew me, and he knew what
I was going to end up wanting to say before I ever thought of it. I don’t get
chills every day. I get chills when the National Anthem comes on at a football
game or when I’m listening to a song that hits my core or when I think about my
parents and how much they love me. One time before I was confirmed in the
Catholic Church they made us go on a retreat, which basically means they took
us to some camp and made us spend a weekend there. I got chills a lot then. One
night we had confession and they didn’t tell us they were going to do it but
they had our parents write us notes- see just thinking about it makes my throat
turn into a gumball and the hairs on my arms stand up. I’m not a very sappy
person and believe me, if I was ever a sappy person it definitely was not when
I was in 8th grade but when I started reading the letters from my
parents I immediately stiffened up. I couldn’t help it. I’m not a sappy person
and I don’t talk to my parents about how we feel about each other and maybe you
think you know how your parents feel about you but I bet you if you have them
write you a note to encourage you next time there’s a big moment in your life,
you will bawl your eyes out when you hear what they really think. It doesn’t
matter if you’re like me and my mom where you are so different but she’s your
mother so you love her and she cries whenever a movie even almost gets sad or
if you’re like me and my dad whose conversations mostly consist of grunts and
nods in agreement but you know deep down you’re the same person, you will bawl.
I guarantee it.
was dying. I was shaking all over and I knew I was going to cry. I hate crying
but more than anything I hate when people see me cry. I almost forgot. You know
why I was so torn up? I probably would have been pretty torn up anyway but it
was so much worse because they sprung the letter on my right after I got done
with confession, at least I think it was right after. Either way these two
crazy intense things happening to me at probably my most vulnerable age really
killed me. So I they make us do confession and I’m like, “shit, confession.”
Then I see my priest who is really cool and always seems so wise and stuff
sitting on one side of the stage and a random guy who couldn’t have been more
than 30 or 35 on the other side. I wanted to get in line talk with a wise old
man but I got shuffled over to the younger priest and I just accepted my fate.
I think it might have been one of those chance moments that you think will be
insignificant that actually ended up changing my life. For some reason I knew I
was going to tell him I didn’t believe in God. At the time I believed but
barely, and it was new to me I didn’t believe for a while before that. For some
reason all of a sudden I feel like I’ve told this story before. I know I
haven’t. Maybe I have? Either way I told him I had a hard time believing in God
and I was on the incline but still, I needed to confess it. You’d think this would be one of those
moments where I got let down by a young Christian man naïve to the things he
should say to a wayward pre-teen, but it wasn’t. He told me the smartest thing
I think anyone has ever said to me, most people would probably disagree but
then again they don’t know some of the silly things I’ve been told. He told me
in training to be a priest and in the monasteries and stuff, or however that
works, most of the priests go through a time where they don’t believe. He told me if you never doubt a thing
then you probably never thought about it very much and that my doubt just meant
that I was thinking about it a lot. I really did though. I still do. I think
about it a lot. Maybe too much.
recommend you have your parents write you a letter. After this I walk down from
the stage and go the back and they ask for my name and pull out these letters.
It was so bad. All the other girls I was friends with were crying, bawling,
hysterical, I couldn’t stand it. They kept saying how they had never been away
from their parents this much and how much they missed them. I went to camp as a
kid, I was never overly attached to my parents, I didn’t really miss them, it
had been what? A day and a night? Maybe two days? I thought they were silly.
Keep in mind that I was thirteen. Do you remember your relationship with your
parents when you were thirteen? Fond memories? Didn’t think so. That’s exactly
the time when you become brat. I was a brat. It was normal, but I was still a
brat. These letters though they killed me. The worst part was I think it was
mostly my dad’s letter that killed me. My mom’s was long and about how much she
loved me and how even though I’ve been rude lately she still was happy to have
me and loved me dearly and etc. etc. My dad’s though was a killer. You know in
those corny commercials or tv shows when the dad says, “I’m proud of you son”
and that one manly tear comes to your eye? It was a lot like that. It was a
short letter but he basically told me he was proud of me. Proud of me. He was
proud of me. I feel like someone just turned the heater on in my head, my eyes
are sweating and my ears are getting warm. I can’t even think about it. He’s
proud of me. The worst part is: I never liked my dad much. He made me angry. I
didn’t look up to him. At times I think I almost hated him. I was a
thirteen-year-old brat and he was proud of me. I forgot all of the shitty
things he ever did because in that moment he was the perfect dad in the movie I
would never watch that is quiet and manly and I finally made him proud, but it
was better than that because I didn’t do anything special. I was at a silly
church camp that was only 2 days long and consisted mostly of card games and
team building activities that really had nothing to do with the fact that we
were supposed to be preparing for a ceremony that in itself doesn’t really mean
a thing these days. I didn’t do anything to make him proud and even if getting
confirmed into a church a.k.a. walking down the church aisle in a robe and…
well… that was pretty much it, even if that was something meaningful in the
world, it wouldn’t be to him, he’s an atheist.
never asked my dad if he was an atheist. I made that up. He hates church and
makes fun of it. That was all the proof I ever needed. I highly doubt he
believes in God but when I think about it I like to think he’s at least an
agnostic or in my wildest dreams he has a secret shrine in his closet hidden
behind his pants with one of those candles with Jesus in Technicolor on it with
the sacred heart and he’s just been fooling us all this whole time. Another
thing about getting confirmed: you don’t actually have to do anything to
prepare. They made us take this class, it was like Sunday school only on
Wednesdays and specifically to prepare for being confirmed. They made us learn
all of these things that I forgot the instant I learned them so I still can’t
tell you. I know one was the Ten Commandments but there were other things I
think a prayer or two and something about virtues maybe. I didn’t take it
seriously, like usual, and my best friend at the time who was in the class too,
she was so afraid and kept studying. That’s how it was for us in regular school
too. I never gave a crap and got A’s and she worked harder than anyone and got
A’s too. We had to go into a back room and talk to the priest and he was going
to quiz us on the stuff we learned. She was scared to death and I didn’t care.
What were they going to do tell me I couldn’t be in the church? They don’t turn
people away from the Catholic Church these days. They just don’t. There’s this
façade that they’re secretive and really traditional; the truth is there’s a
lot of rituals and traditions but they don’t care what you’re wearing or what
you believe because they’ll never ask and they don’t yell at you for anything,
they just greet you when you walk in and smile and tell you wise things and
then you leave. It’s nice. I like it way more than most churches. I feel judged
at other churches, like I have to be something I’m not. Maybe I don’t want to
stop around screaming, ”JESUS! HALLELUJAH!” because maybe that just looks silly
and maybe I can think about religion and mortality and immortality a lot more
in depth when there isn’t someone screaming next to me, “JESUS! HALLELUJAH” or
someone on stage screaming, “START SCREAMING JESUS HALLELUJAH.” At mass it’s not like that. There are
women with their arms up singing along loudly and passionately and there’s old
men falling asleep and getting nudged by their wives when they start to snore
and nobody judges anybody else. Nobody judges me for a god-damned thing there,
and maybe it’s because they don’t care enough or because there’s so many people
that you get lost in the crowd, but I still feel safer in a pew than I do most
other places.
anyway, my best friend Samantha, the one who was very serious about school, she
was freaking out. We had to know a bunch of stuff for this quiz and the head
priest himself was giving the quiz, it was scary. I wasn’t really scared for
some reason, until I was walking down the hall to him thinking, “Crap, I don’t
know anything about this.” Needless to say I got there and I really didn’t know
anything. I think I got most of the commandments, definitely not in order, and
a couple of the other things. I freeze up when I’m on the spot like that. Tests
are fine, I write down what I know and I’m good, especially when it’s multiple-choice.
With multiple-choice, even when I have no inkling of a clue what the answer is
going into it, after I read the answers I can be positive what it is and tell
you about it later. If there was a profession that required answering multiple
choice questions, I’d have it made. Anyway I basically failed and then he
yelled and threw me out and my grandmother cried her heart out when I didn’t
get confirmed. No, but seriously though it turned out it didn’t really matter
what happened. It was all a big smoke and mirrors experience. On the one hand,
it was stupid, it was a waste of time and effort, and it means nothing to
anyone that I’m confirmed. On the other hand, if I was at a different church
and they said study for this test, you better believe that when I failed,
they’d give me stern words about how I should live my life for Jesus and put
effort into my relationship with God and crap like that. I’m pretty sure Jesus
never said you needed to memorize things or you’re out. I guess another church
might not have had the quiz to begin with but the example can still stand.
Yeah, He stuff about selling everything you own to follow him but he never said
you had to, and he never judged people. Well now I’m just saying things that
don’t even make sense but the point is, that’s the story of a thirteen-year-old
agnostic brat getting confirmed as a Catholic.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
What if people were like books,
leaning against each other and other miscellaneous objects on a shelf
somewhere? There would be those people with soft covers, easy enough to get
inside, but with a barrier of politeness and social-normalcy. Then of course
there’s those books so thick that they not only have a hard cover, but a layer
of padding covering the hard cover to make it seem softer. There would be the
stoic hard cover, black, minimal wording, simple, tough, unapologetic. There
would be ones with no cover, maybe never had one, only bound with rings, or
maybe a soft cover that over time ripped away, or worst of all: the thick
hard-cover who had it’s protection viciously torn off, all of whom show their
guts to the world unable to cover them up.
are millions of types of book covers, all with different textures, art, font,
and all covering up a different set of pages, a different pile of meaning. I
believe some people are poems: multiple poems, making up a person, not
necessarily the same theme, but a collection nevertheless. Some people are full
of stories, facts, definitions, order, or fantasies. I guess I know people are
like books, and at the same time I wish people were books. I could open the
cover and read all about them and hopefully the words would help me understand
their story and their essence.
I don’t know what to call it, but I
feel like everyone is in love with me all the time. Mostly, when I meet a guy,
especially one who I become friends with, I have a constant paranoia that he is
madly in love with me and that I’m going to break his heart and ruin everything
forever. What would you call that?
Anyway, that’s what I’ve got. It’s
not that I think I’m extremely attractive or anything, I think I’m mediocre
looking. I don’t really think I have that great of a personality either; as a
matter of fact, it’s rather prickly at best. None of that really matters though
of course. People don’t love people because they’re perfect, they love them
because they’re what they wish they were or because they don’t give them what
they want. That’s why everyone in the world just wants the person who treats
them like they’re dirt because they want to figure them out, change them, fix
them, they want the challenge, they want to prove they’re tough enough to deal
with them. Weak people say, “I love him/her” what they really mean is “They’re
tough, if I can handle them then I’m tough too.” It’s just not true; we can’t
all be strong. I was born this way. I was born without whatever it is in your
brain that makes you upset when the cute boy in class doesn’t like you or when
the popular girl doesn’t like your clothes. I have some sort of handicap I
guess, but honestly it’s more like a gift. I just don’t really care that much.
I mean I care about starving babies in foreign countries and when my mom cries
and when people die young and stuff like that but really besides that things
just blow past me like the breeze.
Back to everyone being in love with
me: I don’t really care about anything, I don’t lie because if people can’t
handle the truth they need to learn how to, I just do what I want basically.
People love that. I don’t have those moments when someone is making me feel
uncomfortable or shy, I just am the way I am. So when someone meets me they are
taken aback. I’m different. It’s
like everyone is a rock collector and I’m the cool one with the crystals inside.
Nobody wants Samantha the girl in your Physics class who studies and gets B+’s
on every test, drinks on the weekends, and likes to listen to folk music
because no matter how exciting she thinks she is or unique she thinks her music
taste is the truth is most people are Samanthas. So when her boyfriend of a
year meets a girl and breaks up with her leaving her crying with her best
friend every night, she won’t see it coming because they were “special.” Then
when he goes for the new girl, because he’s the male version of a Samantha,
he’ll be surprised when she loses interest in a month because they were
“special.” Then he will go running back to Samantha because the truth is they
are both boring and are perfect for each other.
Don’t worry I would never actually
tell Samantha this, or Kyle, or Julie, or Ally, or Tyler, or John. It’s not
like they can change what they are. What they are isn’t bad anyway, sometimes I
wish I was boring too. You might be thinking, “Man, aren’t you miserable?” or
“Do people even like you?” No, I’m not miserable, I’m pretty happy. I get bored
of being so not upset all the time but I get over it. And yes, people do like
me obviously. Thinking everyone is in love with me isn’t entirely in my head. I
actually do have to turn people down a lot. I’m also just rational enough to
know that I do get a little paranoid about it sometimes.
I met this guy today. He kept
looking at me and smiling. I was sitting in my favorite coffee shop writing a
story. I don’t know why people do that: look at you and smile. If you aren’t
interested in them they just look creepy. You have to have a lot of confidence
in your charm to sit in a public place staring at someone like that. It’s
stupid, even me, sitting here telling you about my giant ego would never make
myself look stupid like that, no matter how little shame I have. So, we kept
making eye contact and he would smile and I smirked back once or twice to keep
it from being awkward. Obviously he took that as an invitation and he walked
over to my table. This is a
perfect example of why I have a complex.
“Hello, my name is James.”
He stuck out his hand. I looked at it, then shook it.
“I figured since I was just sitting over there getting bored
of my book and you were sitting here alone I would come over and we could both
sit here and not be alone anymore.”
“Well, sit down then.”
I was already bored of writing whatever I had been writing and he seemed
entertaining at least.
“Is that an invitation?”
“I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t expect you to do it.”
“So is it?”
“Yes. It was an invitation.”
“But it’s not anymore?”
“No it still is. Unless you don’t want it to be then I’ll go
back to writing.”
He sat down. I didn’t know whether to be annoyed by him or
keep talking to him so I just waited for him to start a conversation.
“So do you go to school?”
“Yeah, I go to UCF. You?”
“I don’t go to school. Hey, I’m sure this place will close
before we can have a really good conversation how about we meet up another
time? You seem interesting.”
“I don’t know about that,” I laughed.
“Don’t be so vain. I just met you, I’m not asking you on a
date, I just like a good conversation.”
I would be lying if I didn’t say I was a little bit shocked
but I’ve met guys like this. They think if they’re mean they’ll get you
“I am not vain.”
“You’re right. That’s not the right word is it?”
He took the napkin that came with my food out from under my
plate used my pen that was on the table to write something down. He slid the
napkin over to me and stood up.
“It was nice meeting you, I didn’t catch your name.”
He stuck out his hand again. I shook it without thinking
this time.
“It was nice meeting you too.”
“See you around,” he said with a smirk.
I read the napkin later it just said:
“You’re arrogant.”
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Scene 1
Adalae and Evan enter the living room together from outside (stage right). They begin speaking as they take off their coats and scarves and hang them up on the coat rack next to the door. Adalae is wearing a belted dress, about knee length. Evan is wearing a sweater vest and bow tie, but does not look old or awkward in it, just handsome.
If I could rip my heart out and put it in a blender I think I honestly would. (Nonchalantly)
Why would you say that? That wouldn't make any sense.
What? It only makes sense! It's what makes us so confusing and frustrated and basically our only real weakness as human beings. I mean animals don't have hearts, at least the symbolic ones and they are weak in the mind which is how we got to the top of the food chain. Imagine if we just didn't have those pesky emotions, we'd be invincible.
Evan shakes his head and kind of chuckles to himself at her. Adalae walks into the kitchen and begins to boil water for tea, Evan follows her.
You know if you didn't have a heart you wouldn't really be able to enjoy being around me.
Smiling, he is getting closer to her while she's busy rustling around in the cabinet for tea and mugs.
Well I mean I could still have a nice intellectual conversation with you and I mean we'd still have physical urges and stuff. It would just not have all the down sides.
But I really don't think this-
He turns her around and surprises her with a passionate kiss. As he pulls back, they both smile at each other.
would have quite the same effect.
She takes a while to finish her sentence, she is light headed and just stares at him for a second while she stutters out a response.
th-that is... a very good point. Wow, I can't really breathe.
(She laughs)
I love you. You know that right?
Of course I do, and I love you, even though you have some unnatural vendetta against your heart.
She pours the water into the mugs and he carries them to the table for her. They sit there for a second sipping tea while they smile, both to themselves.
You know what's great about you?
Well I can start listing-
Oh hush! No, I just want you to know how much I enjoy that I can just sit her and drink tea with you without feeling like I need to entertain you or make unnatural small talk.
Well you know what I like about you?
She doesn't answer, just smiles and tilts her head, inviting him to tell her. He stands up and puts one hand holding his weight on the table and one hand running through her hair.
That I'd do anything for you to entertain me. Sometimes I just don't know how I resist the temptation to just-
Evan, I- I- I just don't want it to be like that.
He sits back down.
(still smiling, just a less deviously)
I know, I know don't worry I'm not trying to change your mind, I just hope you know how crazy you make me.
Don't apologize, I promise, it's fine.
Pause, both sip tea.
If I promise to wait as long as you want to wait, and to never stop loving you and to make you feel like you can't breathe, in a good way,as often as possible do you think you could make a promise to me?
You know I would love all of those things but you also know how I feel about promises! I told you I hate them and I will not make one.
Have I ever asked you to before?
Have I ever asked you to do anything you couldn't handle that ended up badly?
Well, no but-
Then you trust my judgement. So if you would please listen I would like you to make me a promise and in return I am making a lot of promises that I will keep, and you know me well enough to know that I actually will keep them.
Well, what is it?
In return for everything, I just said, will you, Adalae, please promise me that if you ever had the opportunity to rip your heart out, that you wouldn't mangle it in any way?
(Smiles, relieved)
I guess I can, just for you.
Well say it!
Say what?
Say that you promise that you will never put your heart in a blender and/or destroy it in any other way.
Okay! I promise you that if by some miracle I manage to pull out my heart and still live, that I won't do anything bad to it. Is that good enough?
He gives her quiet applause.
That was perfect! What progress we're making!
He holds her hand on the table for a moment then gets up.
It's getting late and I still have to get back home, I'm gonna go but I'll see you soon, don't worry. Thank you for the promise, I'll hold you to it!
I know you will, but you should be more worried about me holding you to yours!
She follows him to the door.
Oh, I'm not worried at all.
I was just kidding, I won't hold you to all of that! I will still keep mine though don't worry.
No, I'm not worried because I know I will keep all of them. Now I love you and goodnight!
He kisses her on the forehead and leaves. She stands at the door for a moment thinking, she starts to look worried, walks over to the table, sits down staring off into space. Suddenly she gets up and picks up her phone and dials.
Hello? Hey. What are you doing? Mhm. (she laughs) Yeah, okay I'll be waiting!
She looks worried again for a second then shakes her head as if shaking a thought out of it and then hurries around putting the mugs in the sink and wiping off the table. Then she runs off stage (stage left). The doorbell rings and she comes running back on stage in pajamas. She opens the door and a man comes in he is not similar to Evan at all. His jeans are ripped and he doesn't look friendly. He immediately grins and grabs her and begins to kiss her intensely. When they separate she doesn't look happy, actually looks almost annoyed.
So do you want anything to drink?
Man 1:
(Looking annoyed)
Not really. I promised to meet someone after this actually.
(Checks his watch)
You promised?
Fine, be that way. I promise I'll make it worth your time then!
She gets close to him and pulls him by his shirt to her and starts kissing him. Then she pulls him to the couch and on top of her. The stage goes black.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Wooden Booths
“This is a grubby
place. Who has wooden booths anymore? I guess they were going for that rustic feel.” As soon as she sits down
in a restaurant, she always lists the pros and cons, before we even get our
drinks ordered. I don’t think she understands the concept of “bar and grill.”
“I’ll go order
some drinks at the bar, be right back,” she says. I guess she did understand
the concept.
I lean back in my
seat and relax, but all of a sudden I start to catch the conversation going on
in the booth behind me.
A girl’s voice,
“Have you ever thought about suicide? Not considered it, just thought about
I can only imagine
the person sitting across from her being taken aback by the first question then
becoming even more confused after she revised it.
She continued without waiting for
an answer, “I mean life is so messy, but isn’t death even messier? I mean not
just literally, it’s messy for everyone around afterward.”
“At least you
wouldn’t have to clean up,” the person across replies, probably attempting to
lighten the mood, but maybe she didn’t hear the sarcasm, or maybe she just
ignored it, but she still gives a serious response:
“Exactly, it’s
complicated. You make this conscious decision to make this huge mess and create
this new image of yourself, but you don’t even get to be there. Now you’re
known as the person who killed himself or herself, and people talk about you in
this sad way, and you forever live in infamy, or glory depending how you look
at it, but you’ll never even know that you’ve become famous. Besides all of
that, living is the real messy part. Suicide is an instant, life is years and
years of mess and cleaning and mess again, and only a few of us become legends
for living, and we all have to do it. One time I had this-“
“Hey honey, got
you a beer. The bartender here is from my old town, isn’t that funny? Did you
ever think that would happen?”
“No… I never thought about that.”
Fourth of July.
The night lights up with spurts of brilliance.
Once a year.
Then every five seconds.
Words rolling off the tip of my tongue through my finger tips like electric currents.
Pooling my innermost thoughts into tacky light up sweaters and clip on flag earrings.
Spectacular brightness
burning out
The reason this exists:
I'm going to attempt to keep this blog mostly dedicated to my own creative writing and less of me just rambling, since I tend to do that. I probably will just post how I feel or ideas I have a lot but I'll try not to. I also have to stop myself from posting poems and stories that I just love that I didn't write, but I will sometimes because they inspire me to keep going. Wow this is going to be a challenge. That's the point though I guess, I'm going to attempt to push myself to write more. Just to get me started though:
There is a
wind that seeks the crevice
under my heart
the way insects file at night
beneath a doorway
Its edges are rough, it slits
the cords. It trips my steady breathing.
When it comes there is no one
I can trust.
It seems, at times, I have designed
too well this vision of you
I cannot survive your eyes
when they are scarred with a need
for some lesser form of love.
I admit to this conceit.
And though you will not accept it
You love it nonetheless
It is just like you. Our desires
will always be kept sharp
by a kind of perversity. A need
to be each forever alone...
Its color is violet, like lips
that have been smashed by nights
or robbed of blood by lack of breath,
The wind I was speaking of does this.
I can feel it now.
under my heart
the way insects file at night
beneath a doorway
Its edges are rough, it slits
the cords. It trips my steady breathing.
When it comes there is no one
I can trust.
It seems, at times, I have designed
too well this vision of you
I cannot survive your eyes
when they are scarred with a need
for some lesser form of love.
I admit to this conceit.
And though you will not accept it
You love it nonetheless
It is just like you. Our desires
will always be kept sharp
by a kind of perversity. A need
to be each forever alone...
Its color is violet, like lips
that have been smashed by nights
or robbed of blood by lack of breath,
The wind I was speaking of does this.
I can feel it now.
- Jack Kerouac
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