- the fact that I have to leave for work in less than 9 hours.
- that I don't own a working Macbook charger
Currently obsessing over:
- how long it takes Mod Podge to dry, yet how much I love it.
- how disgusting the food most Americans consume is.
I really ought to be asleep but instead I've been decorating my phone case and painting my nails and writing this blog and reading articles about healthy eating. I have actually been making real progress in my slow journey to becoming a vegan. I have been resisting my parents cooking, at least the meat part of it. I caved when we went out to Buffalo Wild Wings, but come on, I couldn't NOT have wings. I'm a horrible person for enabling myself but really, I have been getting better. I even bought vegan chicken nuggets to replace the just vegetarian ones I used to eat all the time (I'm going to miss them though). There are a lot of things wrong with my diet still but I am very impressed with my progress and some things that are controversial I actually don't have a problem with, such as soy. I have a higher-than-most-people intake of soy because of my weakness for imitation meat products and my love of tofu and my soy milk creamer. I am perfectly alright with that. There are some concerns about soy such as hormone problems which I have looked into and is pretty much bogus. What does concern me is that apparently it's processed differently in the United States and is less healthy because if it and I will look into that further but in the mean time I feel very healthy and have not heard anything to make me stop having my favorite tofu stir-fry every other day.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but I was planning on moving to Denver after I graduated and starting an awesome hipster, health-nut, active, nature-filled, badass life there with my best friends Sarah and Olive. Unfortunately that is no longer my plan. I might reconsider, but as it stands now, I just don't think I could bring myself to go there. The city of Denver apparently thinks that my best friend in the whole world is a vicious abomination that deserves to die and that it has the right to tell me what kind of dog I can own. Olive is a Pit Bull. She is also the most awesome dog in the entire world and the biggest cuddle monster and the love of my life. She doesn't have a vicious bone in her body. Also, I don't like being told what to do. So, screw you Denver. I can bring my bookshelf full of yard-sale-bought classics, my Mod Podge craft glue and glitter, my high-waisted skirts, my adorable face, my awesome (human) best friend and her spectacularly short hair, and my beyond-amazing dog to some other city that we are welcome in. So suck on that Denver. Also, yes I do make decisions based on my dog. That's exactly the type of stubborn person I am and I'm okay with that. I don't sacrifice my happiness when I don't need to and I don't see any reason why I shouldn't choose my living arrangements based on where my dog will be allowed if I know that I like having her around. I probably shouldn't even be writing any of this since she ate my favorite shoes today so I'm going to stop now and go to bed.
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